Welcome to FamilyConnect

The care leaver section of our website aims to provide straightforward, step-by-step guides to aspects of connecting with your personal history – including searching for records and making contact with family members you have lost touch with.

We know this process can prompt strong emotions. That’s why we’ve taken care to ensure each category below supports you with both the practical and emotional aspects of investigating your personal history.

The categories are organised by trying to think about the most common reasons adults might visit our site and the steps they might work through. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, we recommend starting with the section things to consider.

Our Voices

Funding awarded to Family Action for PAC-UK to expand FamilyConnect  

FamilyConnect is an informative website first launched by Family Action in 2020, with support from Julia Feast OBE and UCL’s…

How we change with families

If you’re browsing the magazine aisle this month, pick up the March edition of Good Housekeeping and you’ll find an…

Being my grandson’s Special Guardian

Family Action is committed to supporting all families, and we don’t believe there is any “normal” family situation.  Retirement is…

The hardest, and greatest year of my life – a story about adoption

Our PAC-UK service supports adoptive and special guardianship families with many aspects of their family lives and we often get…

Locating your adoption records just got simpler with Family Connect

In the last few weeks, it was announced that the holders of the Locating Records Database (LRF) CoramBAAF have opened…

Podcast: Recommendations to practitioners for recording care records

Miriam Antcliffe, Research and Development Officer at Research in Practice, speaks to John-george and Darren* who share their personal stories…
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