
FamilyConnect helps adults who have been adopted, adults who have been in care, birth parents and relatives who have lost someone to adoption and professionals working in these areas.

FamilyConnect can help find answers to questions about your origins and how to go about accessing a service to reconnect. 

If you have been separated from a relative through adoption and would like to receive an intermediary service, please complete our expression of interest form, which will help Family Action to identify which services you can access through our PAC-UK service and other providers.

Finding out about your background and family members can help you understand inherited health risks, make important life choices and understand more about why you were separated from your birth family.

Lots of people aren’t aware of their legal rights when accessing their birth and care records, or what they can expect to receive and how to go about searching for information in the first place.

Family Action’s FamilyConnect website helps people explore these issues, providing information, guidance, support and signposting to help. Developed with the insight and leadership of experts Sir David Holmes CBE, Julia Feast OBE, University College London’s MIRRA project and the Care Leavers’ Association.

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